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Friday, May 8, 2009

4A's Conference addressing Diversity

Diversity sounds like a good concept, but too often does it remain a concept rather than a workable objective. More often however do people and companies forget to ask themselves "Why do we want Diversity?". Is it so that we can use the term as a talking point in our marketing? Or is it that we really do think that having a broad range of ideas and cultures makes us a better company? At 4A's Leadership Conference in San Francisco, Dan Wieden spoke about how firms can more easily attract talent from diverse backgrounds. He urged agencies to partner with local arts organizations they feel passionate about. I agree with Mr. Wieden that an agencies' involvement with minority communities can be a huge benefit in attracting talent from these places. I know from growing up in harlem that there is a wealth of talent there and its all about identifying those transferable skills that are suited for the advertising business. I've added the link to an article that covers this part of the conference but I just want to commend the 4A's for addressing the very important issue of Diversity and Multiculturalism in the business. This issue is especially relevant to MAIP participants because it's programs like this that are actually trying to change the situation that Mr. Wieden is talking about.

Where Wieden Finds Future Minority Hires

Reggie's Favorite Quote:
"We have to do better, and we have to do better quickly." - Mr. Wieden when discussing Diversity in the Advertising Business.

OK guys, I know I've been blogging a lot but this is because I've had so much on my mind to write about before I registered for this site so now I'm just pouring everything in. If you can give me suggestions on how I can improve my writing please let me know! Thanks for reading.

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